Fair Use
Fair Use Notice
Brobston Group aggregates and summarizes third-party job listings (“Marketplace Roles”) from various employer websites and career portals. Our intent is to provide visitors and job seekers with quick access to newsworthy or otherwise beneficial information about open positions in the luxury fashion, jewelry, beauty, and home décor industries. When users click “Apply,” they are redirected to the original employer site to view the complete job posting and submit their application.
We believe this activity qualifies as Fair Use under U.S. law because:
- Transformative Summaries: Rather than reproducing the entire job posting, we use an AI-driven process to summarize and reformat each listing. This adds new context and structure, and does not replace the employer’s original post.
- Noncommercial Intent: We do not charge users to view, summarize, or apply to these listings. Our goal is to facilitate an informed job search, not to commercially exploit the copied text.
- Limited Use: We share a shortened version of the original job description and direct users to the employer’s website for the full, authoritative content. We do not claim ownership over the employer’s intellectual property.
- Minimal Market Impact: By redirecting candidates to the original site to apply, we do not supplant or diminish traffic to the employer’s content; instead, we increase visibility of those postings.
The Fair Use doctrine, as outlined in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, requires a fact-intensive analysis of factors such as the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the portion used, and the effect of the use upon the potential market. We have made every effort to operate in a manner consistent with these principles.
For more information about Fair Use and the factors that courts consider in determining whether a use is fair, please visit the U.S. Copyright Office’s website. If you believe any content on our site infringes your rights, or if you have additional concerns, please contact us at support@brobstongroup.com.